Potato is a perennial herbaceous plant. It originates from the Peruvian Andes where it was grown before 8000 years. In Europe it was brought over by Spanish explorers in the 16th century and donated to Pope Pius IV. From Italy to continue to spread throughout Europe, and in Croatia it was brought border soldiers in the 18th century. Potato has historically been an important source of food in the whole of Europe, especially in Ireland, where with milk represented almost "only" food.
Raw tubers on average contain 75% water, 18.2% starch, 2% protein, 1.5% glucose, 1% cellulose, 0.1% fat, 0.2% acid. It is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates (starch), vitamins C and B, contains no cholesterol and salt (NaCl), and contains essential minerals like potassium, magnesium and iron.
The whole plant is poisonous except tubers because it contains the alkaloid solanine. The stem is divided into above-ground and underground part, reaches a height of 30-150 cm, and develops the germ of tubers (vegetative propagation) or from true seeds (generative propagation).
Stolons underground lateral stems and grow horizontally. Thickening of stolons developed tuber that the modified part of the underground stem - stolons. The main spare body potatoes and serve for overwintering and reproduction. Epidermis tubers different color from yellow to purple, and the flesh usually white to yellow, sometimes purple depending on the variety.
The root is quite shallow, 40-50 cm, only in a slight soils up to 1 m depth. It thrives on the underground stems and lateral branches are up to 45 cm, and in the case of sowing potatoes develop a taproot with many lateral roots. Maturing potato root slowly dying.
Environmental conditions
Potatoes corresponding temperature without large fluctuations during the growing season as well as during the winter dormancy of tubers in storage. The minimum soil temperature at planting should be 6-8 ° C. The stalk with leaves freezes at -1 to -2 ° C. The optimum temperature for growth of the tuber is 17-20 ° C. At higher temperatures the formation of tubers and yields decrease, whereas at temperatures higher than 30 ° C increase in tuber stops completely.
The optimum temperature for germination is 12-15 ° C, which speeds up the process for 10-12 days. High temperature reduces the yield, but the transient rise in temperature (a week) to 20 ° C at the beginning of outgrowth, and then lowering the temperature at 8-10 ° C, giving an increase in yield.
The potato plant is moderately humid climates and when the water comes to a decrease in yield and quality of tubers. In dry conditions or prevlažnog period comes to the formation of secondary tubers on already developed (primary) or its outgrowth, deformation and cracking, bringing a significant portion of the market value. In periods of drought can be carried out irrigation plantation various forms of rain wings.
Most are lighter types of soil - permeable, loose, sandy-humus and sandy-loam soils with a crumbly structure, rich in mineral and organic substances, with favorable vodozračnim characteristics. Do not match his tough, marshy soil with a high level of groundwater. Resists acid soil reaction, and the optimum pH is 5,4-6,5.
Agrotechnical measures
Crop rotation
Crop rotation is one of the basic principles of production of potatoes. Proper crop rotation can be prevented or reduced attacks many harmful organisms, as well as improve the quality of the production and get high-quality products. Potato well tolerated monoculture, but from fitohigijenskih reasons not planted more consecutive years in the same place (especially for protection against nematodes). At the same place can come only after 3-4 years. The best pre-crop of potatoes are alfalfa, red clover, clover-grass mixture, peas and lupins, while somewhat less favorable pre-crop cereals. Perennial legumes and clover-grass mixture as a pre-crop yield increases of up to 20% compared with cereals. Potatoes should be planted after the plant species of the family assistant (tomato, eggplant, tobacco, etc.), As well as after row crops. A good precrops for all other crops because their roots and tubers good loose soil and leaves it free of weeds. Early varieties of potatoes are good precrops for winter rapeseed and vegetables as a second crop.
Tillage begins summer-autumn plowed the rest of preculture to a depth of 15 cm, which prevents the growth of weeds and loss of soil moisture. If possible, the ore to a depth of 20 cm and the lower layer is still prorahljuje 12 cm deep. Do not let the bottom of the furrow create an impermeable layer. Very often the primary treatment of the soil is entered and the right amount of manure (25-35 t / ha). Treatment must be well done because it allows a good walkthrough of the machine in planting and fast germination and root development, which is a condition for uniform germination of tubers.
For yield of 35 t / ha of early potatoes fertilization is necessary to add 100-140 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and 110-150 kg 160-260 kg of potassium, and the yield of 35 t / ha of late potato fertilization is necessary to add 140-200 kg nitrogen , 110-150 kg and 200-350 kg of phosphorus potassium. To ensure that production of potatoes was the greater, enter a lot of nutrients in the soil and it is therefore advisable to apply fertilization based on organo-mineral fertilizer input.
For organic fertilization of potatoes is mostly used manure into the soil usually brings in the autumn-winter plowing in the amount of 25-35 t / ha. Manure contains all the macro (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and trace elements (copper, zinc, manganese, etc.). Positive properties of organic fertilization with manure are reflected in the increase of humic components of the soil and rapid heating of the soil in early spring, when higher temperatures are required for the growth and development of germ tubers.
Mineral nutrition of potatoes is necessary supplement to organic fertilization, and is based on plant nutrition by adding three main macronutrients (N, P and K) and small additional amounts of other substances. Each of these elements increases the yield, only when these elements are balanced position. The best ratio of NPK nutrients in potatoes is 1: 0.9: 1.6. The amount of mineral nutrition of potatoes depends on the supply of soil nutrients, the amount of the desired yield, and the purpose of production. When combined type of fertilization (organo-mineral), to give a yield of 30 t / ha, if the hatching of potato fertilized with 25 t / ha of manure, it should additionally fertilized with 60-80 kg / ha of nitrogen, 60 100 kg / ha of phosphorus and 120-160 kg / ha of potassium.
Potatoes are rarely fed and all of the necessary amounts of nutrients are added to the basic fertilization, because depending on the earliness of the variety, the plants between 50 and 80 days after planting seize almost all the necessary nutrients. Any later adding food is unnecessary.
Sowing and planting
For planting should be set aside healthy undamaged tubers weighing approximately 50-60 g. The size of the tuber is determined by way of planting, ie. Spacing between rows and within rows and planting depth. On tuber distinguish the umbilical part and crown. Umbilical part of the tuber was linked to stolon, and contrary to the crown where there are buds that can grow into a stalk, lateral stems and stolons. Tubers must be cut so that at each cut piece (fraction) with 2-3 buds. If these cut pieces (fractions) is less then they are planted at a spacing within the row of about 25 cm, medium at a distance of 30-35 cm, and the biggest tubers fractions 55-60 mm spacing 45-50 cm. Seed potatoes must be specified category, known origin, is declared phytosanitary approval for the use of planting material. It is necessary that the seed tubers are uniform in size and shape, without deformation and damage.
To achieve greater and better yield recommended process of germination on light compared to darkness (process outgrowth is faster, but calls for more, etiolated shoot and easy to break during planting). On germination adversely affecting direct sunlight. For outgrowth and further growth and development of plants is an important short-day (6-12 hours). The period of germination, depending on the variety, the average is 35-60 days. Optimal humidity in germinating seeds is 85-90%.
Germination is performed in rooms with good ventilation capabilities and is carried out on the shelves in a mailbox or perforated plastic bags. Tubers once or twice during germination move (rotate) so that all were equally exposed to light. Topmost part should turn up because in this part of the form the most productive call. Potatoes are planted when the soil at a depth of 10-12 cm heated above 8 ° C. When too early planting in cold and moist soil, the period from planting to emergence is extended, and the crop is often tenuous.
Time of planting depends on the type of soil, the area of cultivation and weather conditions year. The optimal deadline for planting potatoes in the lowlands is from mid-March to early April, and in the hilly and mountainous regions from the beginning to the end of April. In the southern parts (Dalmatia and the islands), planting potatoes starts from end of January.
Planting depth depends on the type of soil, climatic conditions and to size planting tubers. The usual planting depth is 8-12 cm, so that the tuber is covered with a layer of soil 5-6 cm. The amount of tubers for planting depends on their size, shape and vegetation area.
Care plantation
Measures care plantations during production are: interrow cultivation, mounding and protection from weeds and diseases. The main objective of the inter-row cultivation is to ensure the plant better vodozračne relations, prorahljenost soil and destruction of weed species that occur after planting. Interrow cultivation is carried out immediately after crop emergence on lighter soils, and the heavier soils recommended a cultivation carried out prior to crop emergence. Number of cultivation should be adapted to local environmental conditions of production. Mounding is carried out at plant height of 15-20 cm to the root system and stolones to be used to form tubers, creating enough room for growth in several floors. Mounding to be carried out at the optimum time period at a given altitude plants because later Ratio can damage parts of the plant.
Potato tubers are extracted from the soil when slightly separated from the heel end and when their epidermis sufficiently hardened to prevent peeling during the extraction. If the cima (above-ground part of the plant) is preserved and great weight, it is recommended that its chemical treatment for faster drying. Today, the potato extracts combine with potato and ordinary digger. Harvesters are the most common single row or double row extracting potato tubers, separate it from the ground, sorted according to its size and disposed in a container or means of transport. Extraction at low manufacturing potato perform hoe and plow, and in higher production digger and the combine, which can be a self-drawn or tractor.
Immediately after removing the screening process as being separate old "motherly", damaged, sick and bruised tubers. Potatoes are stored in the basement, utility room and a special floor with storage compartments (boxes) at the optimum storage temperature. During storage the constant control of tubers and external ventilation with hot air at 12-18 ° C, with high relative humidity 85-95%. Because of the possibility of spreading the disease, it is not advisable to raise the temperature above 22 ° C. The process "healing" of tubers shall be carried out at all times during filling warehouses, which usually takes 2-3 weeks.
After the 'treatment', the potatoes should be cooled to a temperature of storage and the use of potatoes. Temperature drops gradually 1-2 ° C per day. Seed potatoes are cooled and stored at 2-4 ° C, the industrial 7-10 ° C, table potatoes up to three months at 5-7 ° C, and up to six months of storage at 3-4 ° C. Ideal conditions for long storage table (confectionery) potatoes are temperature 4-5 ° C and relative humidity of 92-95%.
If it happens that the temperature of cooking potatoes due to poor insulation warehouses dropped to 2-3 ° C, potatoes will become sweet. The resulting, undesired sugars in potato tubers can be solved by heating and holding at a temperature of 15-20 ° C for 14 days. Tubers will spend intensive breathing sugar and potatoes will again be good to eat.
Storing potatoes lose weight, especially at the beginning, during the
period of wound healing. The first month of mature stored tubers lose
1-3% and immature tubers 3-5% of their weight. Apart from the
aforementioned loss, weight is reduced by evaporation of water and
increased respiration of potatoes. Sprouted tubers have a mass loss of
germs and losses caused by the disease, and that at the end of the
storage period can range from 7-10% of the total amount of stored
Raw tubers on average contain 75% water, 18.2% starch, 2% protein, 1.5% glucose, 1% cellulose, 0.1% fat, 0.2% acid. It is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates (starch), vitamins C and B, contains no cholesterol and salt (NaCl), and contains essential minerals like potassium, magnesium and iron.
The whole plant is poisonous except tubers because it contains the alkaloid solanine. The stem is divided into above-ground and underground part, reaches a height of 30-150 cm, and develops the germ of tubers (vegetative propagation) or from true seeds (generative propagation).
Stolons underground lateral stems and grow horizontally. Thickening of stolons developed tuber that the modified part of the underground stem - stolons. The main spare body potatoes and serve for overwintering and reproduction. Epidermis tubers different color from yellow to purple, and the flesh usually white to yellow, sometimes purple depending on the variety.
The root is quite shallow, 40-50 cm, only in a slight soils up to 1 m depth. It thrives on the underground stems and lateral branches are up to 45 cm, and in the case of sowing potatoes develop a taproot with many lateral roots. Maturing potato root slowly dying.
Environmental conditions
Potatoes corresponding temperature without large fluctuations during the growing season as well as during the winter dormancy of tubers in storage. The minimum soil temperature at planting should be 6-8 ° C. The stalk with leaves freezes at -1 to -2 ° C. The optimum temperature for growth of the tuber is 17-20 ° C. At higher temperatures the formation of tubers and yields decrease, whereas at temperatures higher than 30 ° C increase in tuber stops completely.
The optimum temperature for germination is 12-15 ° C, which speeds up the process for 10-12 days. High temperature reduces the yield, but the transient rise in temperature (a week) to 20 ° C at the beginning of outgrowth, and then lowering the temperature at 8-10 ° C, giving an increase in yield.
The potato plant is moderately humid climates and when the water comes to a decrease in yield and quality of tubers. In dry conditions or prevlažnog period comes to the formation of secondary tubers on already developed (primary) or its outgrowth, deformation and cracking, bringing a significant portion of the market value. In periods of drought can be carried out irrigation plantation various forms of rain wings.
Most are lighter types of soil - permeable, loose, sandy-humus and sandy-loam soils with a crumbly structure, rich in mineral and organic substances, with favorable vodozračnim characteristics. Do not match his tough, marshy soil with a high level of groundwater. Resists acid soil reaction, and the optimum pH is 5,4-6,5.
Agrotechnical measures
Crop rotation
Crop rotation is one of the basic principles of production of potatoes. Proper crop rotation can be prevented or reduced attacks many harmful organisms, as well as improve the quality of the production and get high-quality products. Potato well tolerated monoculture, but from fitohigijenskih reasons not planted more consecutive years in the same place (especially for protection against nematodes). At the same place can come only after 3-4 years. The best pre-crop of potatoes are alfalfa, red clover, clover-grass mixture, peas and lupins, while somewhat less favorable pre-crop cereals. Perennial legumes and clover-grass mixture as a pre-crop yield increases of up to 20% compared with cereals. Potatoes should be planted after the plant species of the family assistant (tomato, eggplant, tobacco, etc.), As well as after row crops. A good precrops for all other crops because their roots and tubers good loose soil and leaves it free of weeds. Early varieties of potatoes are good precrops for winter rapeseed and vegetables as a second crop.
Tillage begins summer-autumn plowed the rest of preculture to a depth of 15 cm, which prevents the growth of weeds and loss of soil moisture. If possible, the ore to a depth of 20 cm and the lower layer is still prorahljuje 12 cm deep. Do not let the bottom of the furrow create an impermeable layer. Very often the primary treatment of the soil is entered and the right amount of manure (25-35 t / ha). Treatment must be well done because it allows a good walkthrough of the machine in planting and fast germination and root development, which is a condition for uniform germination of tubers.
For yield of 35 t / ha of early potatoes fertilization is necessary to add 100-140 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and 110-150 kg 160-260 kg of potassium, and the yield of 35 t / ha of late potato fertilization is necessary to add 140-200 kg nitrogen , 110-150 kg and 200-350 kg of phosphorus potassium. To ensure that production of potatoes was the greater, enter a lot of nutrients in the soil and it is therefore advisable to apply fertilization based on organo-mineral fertilizer input.
For organic fertilization of potatoes is mostly used manure into the soil usually brings in the autumn-winter plowing in the amount of 25-35 t / ha. Manure contains all the macro (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and trace elements (copper, zinc, manganese, etc.). Positive properties of organic fertilization with manure are reflected in the increase of humic components of the soil and rapid heating of the soil in early spring, when higher temperatures are required for the growth and development of germ tubers.
Mineral nutrition of potatoes is necessary supplement to organic fertilization, and is based on plant nutrition by adding three main macronutrients (N, P and K) and small additional amounts of other substances. Each of these elements increases the yield, only when these elements are balanced position. The best ratio of NPK nutrients in potatoes is 1: 0.9: 1.6. The amount of mineral nutrition of potatoes depends on the supply of soil nutrients, the amount of the desired yield, and the purpose of production. When combined type of fertilization (organo-mineral), to give a yield of 30 t / ha, if the hatching of potato fertilized with 25 t / ha of manure, it should additionally fertilized with 60-80 kg / ha of nitrogen, 60 100 kg / ha of phosphorus and 120-160 kg / ha of potassium.
Potatoes are rarely fed and all of the necessary amounts of nutrients are added to the basic fertilization, because depending on the earliness of the variety, the plants between 50 and 80 days after planting seize almost all the necessary nutrients. Any later adding food is unnecessary.
Sowing and planting
For planting should be set aside healthy undamaged tubers weighing approximately 50-60 g. The size of the tuber is determined by way of planting, ie. Spacing between rows and within rows and planting depth. On tuber distinguish the umbilical part and crown. Umbilical part of the tuber was linked to stolon, and contrary to the crown where there are buds that can grow into a stalk, lateral stems and stolons. Tubers must be cut so that at each cut piece (fraction) with 2-3 buds. If these cut pieces (fractions) is less then they are planted at a spacing within the row of about 25 cm, medium at a distance of 30-35 cm, and the biggest tubers fractions 55-60 mm spacing 45-50 cm. Seed potatoes must be specified category, known origin, is declared phytosanitary approval for the use of planting material. It is necessary that the seed tubers are uniform in size and shape, without deformation and damage.
To achieve greater and better yield recommended process of germination on light compared to darkness (process outgrowth is faster, but calls for more, etiolated shoot and easy to break during planting). On germination adversely affecting direct sunlight. For outgrowth and further growth and development of plants is an important short-day (6-12 hours). The period of germination, depending on the variety, the average is 35-60 days. Optimal humidity in germinating seeds is 85-90%.
Germination is performed in rooms with good ventilation capabilities and is carried out on the shelves in a mailbox or perforated plastic bags. Tubers once or twice during germination move (rotate) so that all were equally exposed to light. Topmost part should turn up because in this part of the form the most productive call. Potatoes are planted when the soil at a depth of 10-12 cm heated above 8 ° C. When too early planting in cold and moist soil, the period from planting to emergence is extended, and the crop is often tenuous.
Time of planting depends on the type of soil, the area of cultivation and weather conditions year. The optimal deadline for planting potatoes in the lowlands is from mid-March to early April, and in the hilly and mountainous regions from the beginning to the end of April. In the southern parts (Dalmatia and the islands), planting potatoes starts from end of January.
Planting depth depends on the type of soil, climatic conditions and to size planting tubers. The usual planting depth is 8-12 cm, so that the tuber is covered with a layer of soil 5-6 cm. The amount of tubers for planting depends on their size, shape and vegetation area.
Care plantation
Measures care plantations during production are: interrow cultivation, mounding and protection from weeds and diseases. The main objective of the inter-row cultivation is to ensure the plant better vodozračne relations, prorahljenost soil and destruction of weed species that occur after planting. Interrow cultivation is carried out immediately after crop emergence on lighter soils, and the heavier soils recommended a cultivation carried out prior to crop emergence. Number of cultivation should be adapted to local environmental conditions of production. Mounding is carried out at plant height of 15-20 cm to the root system and stolones to be used to form tubers, creating enough room for growth in several floors. Mounding to be carried out at the optimum time period at a given altitude plants because later Ratio can damage parts of the plant.
Potato tubers are extracted from the soil when slightly separated from the heel end and when their epidermis sufficiently hardened to prevent peeling during the extraction. If the cima (above-ground part of the plant) is preserved and great weight, it is recommended that its chemical treatment for faster drying. Today, the potato extracts combine with potato and ordinary digger. Harvesters are the most common single row or double row extracting potato tubers, separate it from the ground, sorted according to its size and disposed in a container or means of transport. Extraction at low manufacturing potato perform hoe and plow, and in higher production digger and the combine, which can be a self-drawn or tractor.
Immediately after removing the screening process as being separate old "motherly", damaged, sick and bruised tubers. Potatoes are stored in the basement, utility room and a special floor with storage compartments (boxes) at the optimum storage temperature. During storage the constant control of tubers and external ventilation with hot air at 12-18 ° C, with high relative humidity 85-95%. Because of the possibility of spreading the disease, it is not advisable to raise the temperature above 22 ° C. The process "healing" of tubers shall be carried out at all times during filling warehouses, which usually takes 2-3 weeks.
After the 'treatment', the potatoes should be cooled to a temperature of storage and the use of potatoes. Temperature drops gradually 1-2 ° C per day. Seed potatoes are cooled and stored at 2-4 ° C, the industrial 7-10 ° C, table potatoes up to three months at 5-7 ° C, and up to six months of storage at 3-4 ° C. Ideal conditions for long storage table (confectionery) potatoes are temperature 4-5 ° C and relative humidity of 92-95%.
If it happens that the temperature of cooking potatoes due to poor insulation warehouses dropped to 2-3 ° C, potatoes will become sweet. The resulting, undesired sugars in potato tubers can be solved by heating and holding at a temperature of 15-20 ° C for 14 days. Tubers will spend intensive breathing sugar and potatoes will again be good to eat.
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Complete potato guide
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